Hear Better. Think Sharper.


Our brains were designed to hear. So much so that when our hearing deteriorates, our brains can go into overdrive, striving to “fill in the gaps” and help us fully engage. It leaves those with hearing loss scrambling to stay connected.

Hearing problems affect an estimated 48 million Americans experiencing some level of hearing loss. It can happen gradually or more suddenly, and may be caused by factors such as aging, genetics, or exposure to loud noises. Hearing problems may also be associated with other significant health issues.

Perhaps one of the most troubling potential connections is that of hearing loss and dementia or cognitive decline, which may be associated with changes in brain structure, reduced brain volume or shared brain pathways. Even in situations where there are no direct links to physical disease, people who can’t hear well may become depressed due to feeling isolated or frustrated with their inability to understand conversation. And, if hearing problems are ignored or untreated, they can get worse.

“The first step is having your hearing assessed to determine the cause of your difficulty,” said Jill Sheppard, B.S., SLP/ Audiology, Licensed Fitter and Dispenser of Hearing Instruments (LFDHI), and co-owner of HearCare & Associates in Sherman and Gainesville. “It’s an easy process that’s painless, non-threatening and, according to some of our patients, even fun! You’ll want to know the root cause of your hearing difficulty and treat it in a way that meets your preferences, budget and lifestyle.”

A hearing evaluation begins with a conversation between you and your hearing professional. Your ears will be checked for wax or other problems. Then you’ll have your hearing tested. You’ll sit in a soundproof booth (with glass windows so you can see out!) and, while wearing earphones, you’ll raise your hand when you hear a sound. It’s quick and painless. Your results are immediately available. You’ll receive important information about any issues and be fully informed about options available to you.

“Nothing sounds as good as what God gave you,” said Kenneth Sheppard, Jr., smiling. Kenneth, also a Licensed Fitter and Dispenser of Hearing Instruments, is co-owner of HearCare & Associates. “You want to work with a professional who will assess the ability you have to hear natural sounds and then leverage that with the finest technology available and the earnest desire to help you hear well again.”

Your hearing health depends on you being an educated consumer.

“We understand that you want the best from your investment in hearing well,” said Jill. “You deserve personalized attention and a hearing aid customized to your needs. We sometimes get walk-in patients who complain that they purchased online and don’t even know how to put the hearing device in their ears! You want to ensure that your hearing aids are tailor-made to your specific hearing loss and that you have the information and the skill to wear them with confidence and ease.”

Questions? The HearCare team invites you to call 903-8682650 for more information.